Something New!!!

Today I did something new~I attended a Writer’s Guild at my local library!
This was new for me b/c I have never physically gathered w/other writers to share my passion for writing, ideas and my struggles. 
This experience was so inspiring! I loved to hear about the great literary ideas of others as well as get some tips perfecting my craft.
Soooo…starting next week I will be stretching myself~literally.  I will be doing something called “Flash Fiction” Month. Every week, for the month of June, I will be posting a fictional piece to expand my writing more in the creative, spontaneous sense. 
These posts will be a way for me to test out my skills in the Christian Fiction genre as well as get me out of comfort zone of writing inspirational posts.
Let’s get ready for something new!!!! I intend to put myself in an uncomfortable position to cause growth…and maybe awaken a new thing in my writing.
What about you…what’s your something new???